Friday, 4 April 2014

Our day at Techniquest

On Wednesday we went to techniquest and had lots of fun. There was lots of different things to do and play. I liked the mirror path - it had mirrors all around you and you had to find your way through the path. It was fun to do because you could see your reflection in the mirror trying to figure it out. Here is my sister trying to work it out.

 There were more things to play with such as an air cannon, an animation where you could make still pictures come to life, a music game where you had to remember the pattern and a chest you had to open with a magnet.

In the workshop we were learning how to program robots to drive around the table without falling off or

hitting the Lego man. I worked in a group with my brother and 2 other girls. We set some instructions on the computer and downloaded the commands for it to follow. We set the direction, how many wheel turns, the speed and sensors.

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