Thursday, 2 October 2014

CSI at Techniquest

Yesterday we went to Techniquest and had a great time solving 2 mysteries. The first mystery was about finger prints, we looked at different finger prints - one was called the loop, another was a whorl and the last one is a bit less seen called an arch. We had to discover who killed the guy by matching up finger prints from a glass bottle of 2 suspects Dan and Aled. A piece of paper had there finger prints on. How we did this was with charcoal dust, that we painted on with a brush so that you could see the finger prints and then we put sellotape on the print then lifted it up gently, we then stuck it on a piece of paper to examine it closer up. At the end we figured out who killed the guy - it was Aled!

The stolen teddy

The second mystery was about a stolen teddy, we had different sections to the mystery, we started at one with footprints, where we had to figure out where the different people went.

 The second one was really easy but clever - there was a blank piece of paper and you had some items to figure it out, there was 2 glow sticks, a torch and glow in the dark stars. You had to shine the torch on the paper to see the text, it said I have the bear call me L.

The next one was where you had to try different pens to see who wrote the note, by separating the colours out of the ink.

 The next one was the hardest you had to identify fibres and match to the clothes.

Finally we had pictures of different finger prints on different items belonging to different people and we had to find out whose was on the display stand.

 In the end Lee Biro owned up and we completed  our mission.

At the end of the session we looked at all the great science inventions in the main museum and had a go at building a tower.

We had a great day. I would like to go again.

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